How To Transfer Money From Netspend To PayPal

Netspend works with PayPal and here's how to transfer money from Netspend to PayPal.
Tebid Kelly
how to transfer money form netspend to paypal

Netspend and PayPal are two of the leading companies that have brought lot of benefits to the financial ecosystem, and knowing how to transfer money from Netspend to PayPal is more than crucial for managing your funds in a more convenient way.

Netspend is a popular prepaid debit card issuer whose cards are considered as as expensive checking account alternatives in the financial industry.

PayPal, on the other hand, is one of the best international money transfer apps that lets users send and receive money to and from anywhere in the world.

Though Netspend prepaid cards are convenient for making payments, PayPal offers even more convenience when doing business online, and it is widely accepted as a payment method unlike the Netspend card.

Which is why, knowing how to transfer money from the Netspend card to PayPal would let you use the funds on the card in an even more convenient way.

If you're one of those curious users looking to move fund between these two platforms, keep reading.

To address your request, we've compiled a step by step process to help you transfer money from Netspend to PayPal without much hassle.

Table of Contents

Can I Transfer Money from Netspend to PayPal?

Yes, you can transfer money from Netspend to PayPal since both companies work together to offer their customers the best convenience they need.

All it takes is to transfer the funds is to link your Netspend card to PayPal either by using the card routing and account number or by linking the card directly to PayPal.

Once both accounts linked, you should be able to conveniently transfer funds between them.

How to Transfer Money from Netspend to PayPal

It is very easy to transfer money from Netspend to PayPal.

All you'll need here is the Netspend card account and routing number.

However, you can as well link your Netspend prepaid card directly to PayPal and transfer the funds.

To help you out, here's are the steps to transfer money from Netspend to PayPal.

Step 1: Link Your Netspend Card Account to PayPal

First things first, you'll need to link your Netspend card account to PayPal.

This can be done as follows:

  1. Login your PayPal account.
  2. Tap on "Wallet".
  3. Select "Link a Bank account" and wait for the prompt.
  4. Next, provide the routing number and account number of your Netspend account.
  5. Tap on the "Continue" button to proceed.
  6. Review the information one last time before you click on Add Bank Account. This would complete out first step.

Alternatively, you can link your Netspend card directly to PayPal as follows:

  1. Go to the Wallet tab.
  2. Tap "Link a Card or Bank" tab.
  3. After that, tap on the "Link a Debit or Credit Card" tab.
  4. Enter your card information, and click the "Link Card" button.

Step 2: Verify The Netspend Card By Making a Micro-Transaction

PayPal requires a minor deposit to verify the every card that's linked to customers accounts.

The typical micro-deposit is usually $1 but might differ depending on your local currency.

That said, here's how to verify your Netspend card account on PayPal.

  1. Login your PayPal account.
  2. Select "Transfer Money" from the "Wallet" option.
  3. Choose to Add Money Online.
  4. Next, select Netspend Account on the next page as the source of funds.
  5. Select to transfer $1 or less.
  6. Wait for up to 3 days to ensure you receive the funds successfully.

Step 3: Send Money from Netspend Account to PayPal

Finally, after linking Netspend to PayPal, you should be able to move funds between both accounts.

Here's how to transfer money from Netspend to PayPal.

  1. Login your PayPal account.
  2. Select "Transfer Money" from the "Wallet" option.
  3. Choose to Add Money Online.
  4. Select Netspend Account on the next page as the source of funds.
  5. Enter the amount of money that you wish to transfer.
  6. Wait for up to 3 days to ensure you receive the funds successfully.

How Long Does it Takes to Transfer Money from Netspend to PayPal?

How long it takes to transfer money from Netspend to PayPal depends on the time PayPal takes to verify your card through the micro deposit.

However it typically takes 3 to 5 business days to transfer money between Netspend and PayPal.

How to Send Money from PayPal to Netspend

The same method can be used to transfer funds from your PayPal account to your Netspend card.

However, you'll need to link the two platforms in order to complete the transfer.

Visit step one in the prior section to learn more about linking your accounts. To transfer money from PayPal to your Netspend card, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your PayPal account.
  2. Select "Transfer to Bank" from the "Withdraw" option found on your dashboard.
  3. Enter the amount of money that you want to transfer from your PayPal account to Netspend.
  4. After that, click on the "To" option and select Netspend from the list that shows up.
  5. Tap on Continue to proceed on to the next step.
  6. Click on Submit and wait for up to 4 business days. The money should reflect in your Netspend account shortly.

Final Thoughts

Netspend and PayPal are two companies that are vital to the wellbeing of the financial ecosystem.

Both companies work together to offer customers the best experience and convenience making it easier for them to transfer funds between the two platforms.

If you're confused about how to start, hopefully this article compiles the steps you need to transfer money from Netspend to PayPal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I transfer money from NetSpend?

Yes, you can send or receive funds[2] with other Netspend Cardholders, as well as ACE Elite, Control, and Purpose cardholders. To send money, all you need is the other person's name and their FlashPay ID.

How can I transfer money from Netspend to Cash App?

At first just open your Cash app and then follow the icon at the bottom left of the screen. A page opens now click on "Add Bank" option. Fill required details. All you need is your Netspend account and routing number, which you can quickly find from your Netspend account.

Can I transfer money from Netspend to venmo?

Yes, you can transfer money from Netspend to Venmo, by linking your Netspend card directly to Venmo.

About the Author

Tebid Kelly
I'm Tebid Kelly, A Content Creator, Video Producer Financial Consultant and Certified Google Publisher. I write contents for, which are my two blogs.

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